Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Dark Knight Rises: Tom Hardy as Bane voices out to Gotham!

Comic Book Movie featured this VERY INTERESTING post of a sound bit straight from the mouth of Tom Hardy, aka Bane in The Dark Knight Rises! In this clip posted in YouTube, we hear Hardy's very first lines as Bane, who addresses Gotham with a proclamation! Of course, you can consider this an actual SPOILER, so take heed with the warning! You can hear it below via this audio clip video uploaded in You Tube.

The Dark Knight Rises: Bane's first lines in the movie

And if you want to know where that line came from and more, it's set during a scene being filmed in Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, where a mock football game being filmed for the movie is taking place, between the "Gotham Rogues" are taking on the "Rapid City Monuments". As you can guess, Bane invades the joint, and proclaims to Gothamites to "Take Control" of their city! Check out the clip below from a person who was in the scene and uploaded it to YouTube.

The Dark Knight Rises: Bane addresses the Gotham crowd in a football game

Pretty interesting updates here. Finally, we hear how Tom Hardy will sound as Bane, but there might be a possibility that it will go through  some changes in post-production. We'll just have to wait and see how it pans out soon enough. For more info on the story, visit the source post at Comic Book Movie!

The Dark Knight Rises opens in theaters on July 20, 2012!

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